INFO-TV Change Log

12.8.2009 -> Version 1.0 -> INFO-TV is now complete, and is going to production-mode.

18.8.2009 -> Version 1.1 -> Improved newsticker. Now also supporting plain text to be written manually by user.

26.8.2009 -> Version 1.1 Update -> Error in installer corrected. The variable “rssfeed” changed to “content”.

4.10.2009 -> Version 1.2 -> Corrected the start year of INFO-TV. 2005 changed to 2006.

24.10.2009 -> Version 1.3 -> Added script that checks if the file format on uploaded pictures are valid.

26.10.2009 -> Version 1.4 -> Added code that changes the file name on uploaded pictures to a random id, and gives the file correct file ending based on $ext. Support for ÆØÅ has been added.

27.10.2009 -> Version 1.5 -> Added code that gives the possibility to keep the current picture while editing news. Unlink has also been added. Now all deleted pictures are fully deleted from the server hard drive.

1.11.2009 -> Version 1.6 -> Improved compatibility with Internet Explorer 8. This is about the poll. The pictures length is now provided in px, not in % as earlier.

7.3.2010 -> Version 1.7
- Changed the year in all visible copyrights in the INFO-TV system.
- Added new address to the INFO-TV activation service.

17.3.2010 -> Version 1.8
- Added JavaScript that reloads the INFO-TV main screen every 20 minutes. This loading type is not affected by the IE7 META HTTP-EQUIV refresh error.
- Corrected the English language file. A word was spelled wrong.

21.5.2010 -> Version 1.9
- Added functionality that allows INFO-TV to download ads from an external server. The system get ads based on countrycodes.
- A new type of activation service has been added in the alter_adn.php. Now INFO-TV need to be activated in order to enable Ad Network.
- The new activation system have also been enabled in install.php. There is also a new connectivity check for the MySQL-server. 2 sec time-out, port 3306.
- INFO-TV Update Service has been updated. It now checks the connectivity with before trying to send data. 2 sec time-out.
- All the language files have been updated with new translations for the new functionality.

26.8.2010 -> Version 2.0
- New javascript/ajax that checks for connectivity loss every 15. minutes. Now you can turn off your server for maintainence,
and the INFO-TV client will go back online automatically. No more need for manual refresh.

31.8.2010 -> Version 2.1
- Updated ajax-javascript.
- Updated the language files.
- Changed from background-image in top.php to color #111.

04.11.2010 -> Version 2.2
- Fixed issue with the newsticket scroller. Now it will work perfectly in Internet Explorer 9.

30.01.2011 -> Version 2.3
- Now you can activate and deactivate news if you just want to pause, but not delete them.
- Changed timing between news from 18 to 17 seconds.

16.07.2011 -> Version 2.4 (MAJOR CHANGE)
- Now you can target your news to a certain display screen in your facilities
- Added border-radius attributes to control panel, allowing HTML5-capable browsers to use a finer and better design
- New green_line.gif picture
- Updated all language files
- Changed Copyright to 2011 in certain areas of the system

01.10.2011 -> Version 2.5 (BugFix Release)
- Fixed issue with display selection going blank, if you forgot to select display during news creation.
- Improved code for newsid field

26.12.2011 -> Version 2.6 (MAJOR CHANGE)
- Updated GetScreenHeight() to GetScreenSize() that now also shows screenwidth
- Added support for MPEG4, WebM, SWF, and YouTube-Videos. Autoplays for 30 seconds before next newspage.

29.04.2012 -> Version 2.7 (MAJOR CHANGE)
- INFO-TV now shows wich news it is currently displaying, of the total of active news for the current screen(s) in the system.
- Added a time function that display news only the time it take to read it.
- Added support for OGG-Video
- Changed timing for displayment of polls from 17 to 15 seconds
- Updated alle language files
- Changed copyright from 2011 to 2012

13.05.2012 -> Version 2.8 (Bugfix release)
- Fixed bug in newsid 5 as picture positioning and timing was wrong.
- Updated installer. Now it tells the user that PHP must be run in production-mode in order to use INFO-TV.

03.12.2014 -> Version 2.9 (MAJOR CHANGE)
- Rewritten index.php. Now we use divs instead of tables.
- Use of linear-gradient CSS3-feature instead of background-image and voting bars image files.
- Text and pictures have been adjusted to support 1920x1080p displays.
- Most of the code for the displayment-system of INFO-TV has been updated to HTML5 doctype
- YouTube URL has been updated. Removed support for .swf videofiles. - Voting system: The button is now rounded instead of square. - Copyright dates have been updated to 2014

13.03.2016 -> Version 2.9.1 (Experimental PHP7 Release)
- Rewritten major parts of the code to support PHP7
- Using mysqli instead of the deprecated mysql module
- Declared most of the variables used, to suppress E_NOTICE Warnings
- Updated some Copyright dates here and there

26.03.2016 -> Version 2.9.2 (Experimental PHP7 Release 2)
- Added support for HTML5 full screen API
- New INFO-TV Launcher

27.01.2019 -> Version 3.0 (MAJOR RELEASE)
- Added support for HTML5 Session Storage. INFO-TV will now download all news, and then only check once a minute if something has changed. If not, re-use local content.
- top.php and clock.js is now gone. Organization name and clock is now migrated into index.php
- Added file last_change.php that tells index.php if something has changed. Updated admin-cp scripts, and vote to use last_change field in the database.
- Updated install.php to create new table info with fields id and last_change
- Removed INFO-TV Ad-Network from the display system. Will clean up installer in next release.
- Temporarily removed support for video. Need to come back to this one later.

01.04.2024 -> Version 3.1 (MINOR Changes and Bugfixes)
- Added support for https RSS-feeds by adding it to the validation script
- Fixed double initialization of session_start() in middle.php
- Fixed several $timestamp problems where the variable was undefined.
- Added $strErrorInstaller_create_config_file to the language files. It describes folder permissions needed during installation.
- Hidden "More Settings" menu in administration panel. INFO-TV Ad-Network deprecated.
- Changed update server from .no to domain
- Update service will now redirect user to https secure download page instead of http.
- Changed copyright year throughout the whole INFO-TV system to 2024

03.04.2024 -> Version 3.2 (MINOR Changes and Bugfixes)
- Fixed a bug where JavaScript functions were loaded in the body of the HTML document using 'onload', before the HTML elements they depend on were available. Now the functions will be called once the "Launch INFO-TV" button is activated.
- Resolved an issue where only the first image displayed in fullscreen mode had the height parameter correctly applied. Changed img element from id to class to incorporate government of this element to the carousel function by adding some extra functionality to it.

05.04.2024 -> Version 3.3 (MINOR Changes)
- By implementing a ternary operator, INFO-TV splash screen will only be displayed for 3000ms, while the rest of the news content will be shown for 15000ms.

06.04.2024 -> Version 3.4 (Bugfix release - Severity High)
- Removed function that never gets called. It was ment to prepare a default value for last_change if not populated yet. Works like a charm without it.
- Resolved a problem that will keep the INFO-TV screen locked on "Lost connection with server" page forever if there ever was a loss of connection.
This happened because both the checkConn() function and checkForChange() were using the same global variable "xmlhttp". Solved the problem by naming them different. "xmlhttpConn" and "xmlhttpChange".
- Removed unnecessary call to checkForChange() function. It was called right after the function itself. No need, as it is called when you launch INFO-TV, and then every 1 minute.
- Added comment about last change date, and credit to myself as programmmer in top of middle.php

12.04.2024 -> Version 3.5 (Bugfix release - Severity High)
- Updated the carousel script in middle.php. Now slideIndex and fsIndex are not coherent/dependent of each other. This fixed a problem when INFO-TV would not continue past the logo splash screen, if there was no fullscreen news available.